Shared from the 6/20/2021 The Age eEdition

Vatican exile back in the fold


Former priest Francesco Lepore (above) has reinvented himself as a gay rights activist and was writer Frederic Martel’s ‘‘star witness’’ in In the Closet of the Vatican. Photos: The New York Times, AP


A gay ex-priest is penning the world’s only Latin news column, writes Jason Horowitz.

Years after he lost his dream job in the Vatican’s Latin department, left the priesthood, came out as gay, went public with sensational accounts of rampant sex among clergy in Rome and reinvented himself as a gay rights activist and journalist, Francesco Lepore returned to the Vatican to discuss a new gig.

In November, Lepore, 45, accepted an invitation to the office of Andrea Tornielli, the Vatican’s influential editorial director, who complimented him profusely on his Latin and asked if he would be interested in helping with the church’s Latin language podcast. Naturally, he says he was told, they would need to keep the collaboration and payments quiet.

Lepore’s stellar Latin brought him from a small southern town to the Apostolic palace. His searing Vatican experience led to the front lines of the gay rights movement as editor of and, this month, author of The Crime of Giarre, a book investigating the decades-old murder of a Sicilian couple that helped spark Italy’s gay rights movement.

And his deep knowledge of the church led to articles in an antipopulist and proudly elitist publication, Linkiesta, where he also has a general interest daily column written in Latin. In March, he wrote about how ‘‘Ioannes Biden’’ agreed with the suggestion that ‘‘Vladimirum Putin’’ is ‘‘pro homicida habet,’’ or a killer. This month, his piece about the adoption of Bitcoin — ‘‘bito nummario’’ — as legal tender in El Salvador was retweeted by that country’s President. The elegance of his classical prose apparently piqued the interest, despite everything, of Tornielli, who confirmed the November meeting but declined to comment on its substance.

Lepore, by contrast, had a lot to say.

His father, a Latin teacher and medieval scholar, instilled a love of Latin, and pious aunts introduced him to the church, where, as an altar boy, he was drawn to the rituals, archaic vestments and silverknobbed cane of the ultraconservative priest. By age 6, he also understood he was attracted to men, a condition the church considers intrinsically disordered. ‘‘It was a cause of great suffering,’’ he said.

He hid his feelings from his parents but confessed to the severest priests, who, hearing that he wanted to be a priest himself, said, ‘‘Don’t worry about it.’’

When he reached Rome in 2002, he got an entirely different education, he said, in a world of sexually active gay priests.

He fell for a renowned Franciscan who had a bevy of young admirers and who dumped him five months later. ‘‘You never forget your first love,’’ he said, with a shrug. ‘‘Clearly, all of this put me completely in crisis.’’

He entered the Vatican at age 27 and found himself surrounded by eccentric co-workers. Lepore was in heaven, and every day at 11am, he would take tea and chat in Latin with his co-workers.

But the extracurricular activities proved distracting. ‘‘Inside the Vatican,’’ he said, ‘‘it got worse.’’

He pursued relationships with priests and bishops, some of whom addressed one another with female terms of endearment such as ‘‘bella,’’ he said. Others nicknamed one cardinal Platinette, after a famous Italian drag queen. Lepore became known, he said, as ‘‘the star of Hollywood’’ because he wore a Borsalino hat, cuff links and a pocket watch.

But the excesses of Rome eroded his faith. He stopped celebrating masses, continued dating and started feeling ‘‘like a hypocrite’’. In a case of self-sabotage, he visited gay pride sites and watched pornography on his office computer. Soon enough, authorities told him he would have to return to Benevento.

He announced he would leave the priesthood altogether, and then spent four years, as he put it, in the wilderness. He had a ‘‘double coming out’’ to his parents, about leaving the priesthood and being gay, and they didn’t talk to him for years. He bumped into priests he knew at cruising spots and various bathhouses, including one in a building owned by the Vatican. He said he went to drug-fuelled parties at the Abbey of Montecassino, which traces its roots back to St Benedict. He earned some money with private lessons in Latin and religion and some initial reporting jobs, but he felt lost.

Free from the church, Lepore threw himself into activism for gay rights. In February 2019, he became the star witness of Frederic Martel’s buzzy book In the Closet of the Vatican, where Lepore’s estimate that 80 per cent of the Vatican staff are gay made a splash.

Later that year, Ivan Scalfarotto, a politician who is now an undersecretary in Italy’s Interior Ministry, told the new editor of Linkiesta about a guy who knew everything about the Vatican. The editor, Christian Rocca, was intrigued.

Last year, Rocca floated the idea of a daily column in Latin, which he admitted was not great for search engine optimisation but seemed like it might be fun.

‘‘It seems like madness,’’ Lepore responded.

And then he immediately got to it.

The New York Times

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